- "Gamification in logistics" (Youtube: https://youtu.be/l-35lB34n10)
Dr. Thorsten Steinmann, Wahl GmbH & Co KG | Spedition und Logistik, Bielefeld, Germany
- "Congestions of ports" (Youtube: https://youtu.be/0lpnxNXYGV0)
Thomas Neukirchen, DIT Duisburg Intermodal Terminal GmbH, Duisburg, Germany - "Rethinking Municipal Infrastructure for Trucks in Cityscape" (Youtube: https://youtu.be/iduMvml_ywE)
Asvina Ramachandra & Frank Neuhaus, Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg -AöR, Duisburg, Germany
Startups interested in getting in touch with the corporates are invited to register for the matchmaking and request online meetings!